Saturday, 26 February 2011


There comes a point in any healing process when you wake up one morning, and you have a realisation. This morning was that turning point for me. There's only so much wallowing you can do before you sit there and realise 'You know what, I just do not have time for the shit anymore.' I woke up and thought of all the things I have been wanting to get on with this past two weeks, but just haven't had the energy to take on. Well world, here I come.

I'd like to give a quick mention to a neighbour of mine who lives in my building, and someone I wish I had met 10 months ago. In a way, she has come into my life at the perfect moment and seems to be the fountain of all wise words. So, Miss Allison Bradley, this one's for you. Over a few glasses of wine last night, she's peptalked me enough to realise that I am, in fact, much stronger than I give myself credit for. Hells yeah I am!

So I dragged myself out of bed this morning, threw some clothes on a took a stroll into town to get a weekend paper; those papers that provide you with everything you could possibly want from a paper. More importantly, some research for more writing that I intend to do this weekend. For those of you who are interested, Excuses by The Morning Benders was my song of choice for this walk. Take a listen, trust me.

In my haze of happiness and elation, I ended up walking straight past the cash machine I had intended to use. For fear of looking a fool by stopping in the middle of a busy street and turning back around, I just kept on walking to the next available machine. After having retreived my cash, I then proceeded to walk in the complete opposite direction to the shop I was aiming for, again only realising far too late. In some kind of Peep Show fashion I walked into the nearest shop, did a lap, faking interest in the products they sold, and walked back out again, successfully changing direction without too much humiliation.

So I might be crazy and a little disoriented, but I am nonetheless happy today. In the style of Gene Kelly, I didn't even mind that it was raining.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Top Five...

song that are taking my mind off my worries. If you find yourself in a spot of bother, let these soothe you.

Simon & Garfunkel  - Cecilia

John Lennon - Oh Yoko!

Newton Faulkner - To The Light

Ben Kweller - Penny on the Train Track

Bishop Allen - Like Castanets

(in fact, I could go on...)

Willy Mason - Fear No Pain

The Walkmen - Emma, Get Me a Lemon (novelty-factor)

Stevie Wonder - Higher Ground

The Smiths - This Charming Man

The Rolling Stones - Not Fade Away

Mumford & Sons - Little Lion Man

Little Boots - Remedy

I could go on, but I think that is a playlist enough.

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Where have you been?

A question that has been on the lips of many of you I'm sure! Where exactly have I been?

It seems my life in the past two weeks has had its ups and sadly its lows. I've certainly had to rethink my future in light of recents changes, but now I'm back on track and ready to storm it; taking control and making some incredibly exciting plans for the 2011.

At the moment, I can't divulge any information concerning these plans. How mean of me eh? They have just been formed in the minds of me and a friend, we have a lot of work to go before they could become a reality. Hope that's cryptic enough for you all.

So, just a note to let you know I am still truckin' on, many more posts to come I'm sure.

Friday, 4 February 2011

A Step Up

In light of the recent employment crisis in the UK, I started applying for jobs back home even before I left Canada. Part of me was utterly ashamed that I was thinking too far ahead, being more practical in my thinking than ever before. I probably should have just chilled the hell out and kicked back, enjoying the freedom I had left. But no, my paranoia in completely running out of money shortly after my return took charge. I had to explain in every cover letter that they could in no way call my mobile phone because it would cost me and them a freakin' fortune. I liked to think that at least mentioning I was in Canada might make my CV a little more memorable.

What's more is that I was applying for jobs that seemed so mind-numbingly mundane and pointless, it made my return seem even more depressing. I was going back and intentionally looking for work that I would inevitably hate within days. But, the pay way good, and for those of you who have read my previous thoughts on working in retail, I'd be damned if I was going back to that.

With what seemed like a million cover letters later, and not a peep back from any of them, I was beginning to get restless. I had been back in the country for four days and had spent inexplicable amounts of money in celebrating my return.

One Friday morning however, I delved into the world of the Jobseekers website; possibly the most depressing space on the internet ever invented. The sight of orange and white and the DirectGovs layout will never cease to haunt me. Whilst traipsing through and applying for a few standard jobs here and there, I came across an editorial position which I thought might have been within my reach.

Of course, I applied immediately, considering publishing was actually a field I was interested in working in. Two hours later I was offered an interview for the following Monday, and within four days the job was mine. How the bloody hell had I managed this?! I had landed a job I was genuinely interested in, less than a week after returning from a two month trip abroad, which I quit my job for and seriously risked my financial situation.

Needless to say I am one happy bunny. The sting of returning home after an adventure has been somewhat soothed by the fact that I won't be going back to a job I hate. Coupled with my chunky payrise from the pitiful world of retail, things are seriously looking up....

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Vintage Vancouver

Those of you who are personally familiar with me know that I have a slight problem when it comes to vintage clothing, in that I can’t stop buying it. I have recently blitzed my wardrobe, and was disgusted at how many items from Primark I owned from my student days. Needless to say, it was all sent off packing to the charity shop.

I don’t tend to shop extensively much anymore, but when I’m in a foreign country I feel it my duty to hunt the nearest vintage stores. With each piece I buy, I could tell you where I bought it, how I fell in love with it and to what extent. I doubt I could tell you the same information for all that Primark nonsense I purchased, I could only report to you how little times I’ve worn it.

So, for those of my friends still hovering about the British Columbia area and possible fancy checking out some of those rockin’ vintage classics in Vancouver, pop by these stores…

F is for Frank – Main Street

This one is like a miniature version of my favourite vintage warehouse in Birmingham back in the UK, but has the added bonus of not being in Birmingham. A killer selection of men’s stuff, enough to make any dweeb look like a hunky cowboy. An impressive collection of funky and unique sunglasses. A little on the pricey side but if you find something that must come home with you, what’cha gunna do?

Mintage – Commercial Drive

One of my favourites that had a beautiful $10 dress sale and $5 bargain section; what I think vintage should be unless it’s incredible designer gear. My companion managed to hunt down several items she just had to have. It was more or less torture for me considering my dire financial situation as it was the end of my trip.

True Value Vintage – Robson and Granville

Does what it says on the tin. As cheap as it seems to be normally, we happened to find True Value in a moment of panic; they were relocating in a week or so, which meant as much stock had to be shifted as possible. Oh sweet Lord I have died and gone to vintage sale heaven.

The Pink Elephant – Commercial

This was the first vintage shop I found in Vancouver in my first week; needless to say I was happy. Walk in and find the bargain rails at the front bearing manna from heaven, and then take a stroll into the back to find the meatier items to get your teeth into. Prices can vary but you’re sure to find something sweet.