There comes a point in any healing process when you wake up one morning, and you have a realisation. This morning was that turning point for me. There's only so much wallowing you can do before you sit there and realise 'You know what, I just do not have time for the shit anymore.' I woke up and thought of all the things I have been wanting to get on with this past two weeks, but just haven't had the energy to take on. Well world, here I come.
I'd like to give a quick mention to a neighbour of mine who lives in my building, and someone I wish I had met 10 months ago. In a way, she has come into my life at the perfect moment and seems to be the fountain of all wise words. So, Miss Allison Bradley, this one's for you. Over a few glasses of wine last night, she's peptalked me enough to realise that I am, in fact, much stronger than I give myself credit for. Hells yeah I am!
So I dragged myself out of bed this morning, threw some clothes on a took a stroll into town to get a weekend paper; those papers that provide you with everything you could possibly want from a paper. More importantly, some research for more writing that I intend to do this weekend. For those of you who are interested, Excuses by The Morning Benders was my song of choice for this walk. Take a listen, trust me.
In my haze of happiness and elation, I ended up walking straight past the cash machine I had intended to use. For fear of looking a fool by stopping in the middle of a busy street and turning back around, I just kept on walking to the next available machine. After having retreived my cash, I then proceeded to walk in the complete opposite direction to the shop I was aiming for, again only realising far too late. In some kind of Peep Show fashion I walked into the nearest shop, did a lap, faking interest in the products they sold, and walked back out again, successfully changing direction without too much humiliation.
So I might be crazy and a little disoriented, but I am nonetheless happy today. In the style of Gene Kelly, I didn't even mind that it was raining.
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